Poster Proposal

I have chosen to do a poster campaign to encourage fellow students to read more. I chose the poster campaign because I think that it is the best way for others to see how many people read and what reading can do for you. Students will easily see posters everyday when walking through the halls and the visual can inspire and encourage others to read. My posters are going to be printed and will be modeled off of a survey/questionnaire type style. My idea is to ask students in multiple grades questions about reading. These questions will be; Do you read on a normal basis? Do you like to read? Why or why not? What is your favorite thing you have ever read? Why is reading important in the world? I believe that these questions will show others in the school that reading is fun and cool and that you should never be ashamed or feel embarrassed to read. It will deliver the message that reading enhances one’s intelligence and will assist them with a better comprehension, vocabulary, and understanding of literary works. I will put the students name, grade, and school picture at the top of the page and put their responses below next to the questions. I will also have a picture of their favorite book/magazine/etc. next to the corresponding question. My goal is to interview 9 students and have their responses recorded and then transferred onto my poster. I will then make 4 of each poster and post them around the school. There will be three weeks of poster installments, one week will be one group of other the second week will be the second group and the third group during the third week. I will put one poster outside of the SAO, one in the lunchroom, one in the New Wing, and the last one on the ground floor of the Science Wing. I think these will be the best locations due to the high amounts of student traffic throughout the day.


  1. Lots of solid ideas, this one will stand out in all of the posters. Can't wait to see what you come up with.

  2. Hey Nick, your poster campaign is approved. I like the inclusion of students in your project, but make sure you get their permission before posting their picture in the hallways. Your proposal is very detailed and intense, so you will want to make sure it is also manageable and achievable. For example, you list off a lot of information to post on each poster design, make sure that the design is still clear and effective for those walking by in the hall. If it is too text-heavy, the message may get lost. Also, remember that this is only going on for one week. All posters need to be created and hanging by Friday, September 7. Knowing this, do you see yourself limiting the number of students (and poster designs) involved? Also, 36 is quite a lot of posters. You may want to consider leaving some wall space for the rest of the school. ;)

  3. Hey Nick I love the idea of the poster campaign and how you are approaching it. I love the survery questions you will use and how you plan on interviewing 9 students.

  4. I like the idea of asking the readers questions to grab their attention. I see posters everywhere and think it is a good way to get the word out. How many posters will you place and where do you think will be the most effective place to put them?

  5. This is a solid idea that will attract a lot of attention from students.


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