TEDxCL Reflection
What I knew Starting Out When I first chose this topic I knew a lot of the basics about social media, like some of the positives and negatives that I covered in my talk. I knew that social media was good to help raise money, build relationships, and form communities. I also knew the negatives, such as cyber bullying, addiction, and mental/health issues. Although I knew the broad genres of social media use I did not know the details to both positives or negatives. For example out of everyone that sees cyber bullying occur, only 10% report it. It was facts and research like this that really opened my eyes to the benefits and downfalls of social media. Why I Selected This Topic The reason why I picked this topic is because it related to everyone in the classroom and arguably in the school. In our world today over 85% of teens and younger adults have smartphones and use social media daily, whether that is texting, snapchatting, going on Instagram, or tweeting. My goal was to...