
Showing posts from August, 2018

Poster Proposal

I have chosen to do a poster campaign to encourage fellow students to read more. I chose the poster campaign because I think that it is the best way for others to see how many people read and what reading can do for you. Students will easily see posters everyday when walking through the halls and the visual can inspire and encourage others to read. My posters are going to be printed and will be modeled off of a survey/questionnaire type style. My idea is to ask students in multiple grades questions about reading. These questions will be; Do you read on a normal basis? Do you like to read? Why or why not? What is your favorite thing you have ever read? Why is reading important in the world? I believe that these questions will show others in the school that reading is fun and cool and that you should never be ashamed or feel embarrassed to read. It will deliver the message that reading enhances one’s intelligence and will assist them with a better comprehension, vocabulary, and unders...

English Career

1. What have your previous experiences with English classes been like? 2. Do you like to read? Why or why not? 3. What do you hope to get out of this Contemporary Literature class? My previous experiences with English classes have been pretty positive. My Freshman year coming into UofD Jesuit I was not a huge fan of English but that all quickly changed. My teacher was Mr. Davidson and he offered a new way of learning English in a fun environment. He taught me new ways to write essays, read books, and to become more enhanced with English. At the end of the year, English became one of my top three subjects and since then it has followed the same trend. As a sophomore, I had another great year with Mr. Davidson and my class and I continued to expand my love for English. Unfortunately, my Junior year took a slight turn for the worse.  The workload was heavier, I did not love my teacher as much as I had before, and having to juggle after school activities with school was difficult. ...